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dirty |ˈdəːti| adjective


1 covered or marked with an unclean substance: 

2 concerned with sex in a lewd or obscene way


pretty |ˈprɪti| adjective 


1 attractive in a delicate way without being truly beautiful

2 used ironically to express annoyance or displeasure


theatre |ˈθɪətə | noun


1 an activity or presentation considered in terms of its dramatic quality 

2 the area in which something happens


Led by writer and director Gary Abrahams DIRTY PRETTY THEATRE is an award winning Melbourne based independent theatre company committed to presenting evocative narrative theatre based on literary works created with a highly theatrical aesthetic. The company is deeply committed to text based theatrical process and creates works rich in detail, nuance and emotional power, carefully balancing traditional narrative drama with contemporary theatre practice. 

Tel. 123-456-7890  I  Fax: 123-456-7890  I

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